Monday, 18 February 2013

Wine Tour In McLaren Vale

With the Sun warming up for the hot day ahead, musky aftershave and sweet perfume filled my nose as the group climbed on board.

The little hire bus growled into life, with the driver at the wheel and everyone excitedly looking forward to getting started on our adventure.

My other half's employer, warm and generous, acknowledged and celebrated the success of their last year and the valued contributions made by the hard working and dedicated staff by organising a wine tour.

South Australia is world renowned for it's part played in the global wine market, with McLaren Vale one of several pockets of wineries throughout our state.

The day was a lot of fun and I found myself moved by how invested my partner's employer is in their team of people. The day was well planned and executed, with every need and whim catered for to a superb standard. My partner has also recently found himself promoted (he is a total star!) and so the day served as a farewell to him and as a welcome to a new member of their team.

Not being a huge fan of wine as a beverage, I wasn't too sure how the tastings would go. But I tasted more than a few that were fairly decent. Indeed, the biggest surprise for me was in trying some red wines. Previously I have avoided red wine, as it simply does not taste pleasant AT ALL. But then I tried a sparkling red. And who knew?! It was lovely.

Here was our itinerary.

During our visit to the second winery on the itinerary, I felt that little buzz come over me. Even though I hadn't drank much, mixing different wines seemed to enhance their...effect.

Of course, it was probably the company that made me feel good, as laughing and socialising can be just as responsible for a real lift in mood as any amount of alcohol.

And then there were the masks. People had brought various masks, from a home made "Incredible Hulk" mask, to super hero and mass murderer masks. It made for some interesting photos, and some interesting and curious looks from passers-by. You can see some of my photos of the day up on the instagram tab on the menu.

During the wine tasting, and trying of new and delicious foods (the moroccan jam was yummy!) it was just lovely to spend time with beautiful and genuine people, with the gorgeous people who have in many ways been my partner's family for the last 3 1/2 years, since coming to Oz. Yes, I am that sentimental and soppy.

Oh, and I would have to say my favourite winery was probably Hugh Hamilton. Everything looked great, professional and slick. The staff were lovely and knowledgeable. And I mentioned the moroccan jam, right?

I'm sorry I hadn't been on a wine tour before now. It seems crazy I live in South Australia and hadn't yet been on one. Even if I am not a huge wine drinker, it's good for the soul to step outside of your comfort zone and experience new things.

Have you ever visited Brace Girdles? No, it's not ladies' lingerie or a wholesaler for torture devices. It's a house of fine chocolate. And here we brought the tour to a close with our final stop off.

A rich, indulgent day, topped off in style with decadent chocolate fondue, creamy chocolate drinks, coffee and plates of fruit and lollies, was a beautiful ending that couldn't be beaten.

Have you ever been on a wine tour? It's definitely worth doing at least once in your life.

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