Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Cheeky Or Incompetent?

Both, actually.

No, not me. A bloody dental practice here in little old Adelaide.

Last year (or perhaps the year before) I had registered with a new dentist. I had a whole dental plan of action in place. I wanted a new and improved smile. You know me, always aiming to be wonderful.

I even had my teeth whitened. Except they weren't made that much lighter. My wallet, however, was much lighter by comparison. I was disappointed but nevertheless I continued with the plan I had in mind. I needed quite a bit of work done. In fact, I was quoted, between the dentist and orthodontist, that my plan would cost me almost $12,000.

It's a long story, convoluted with twists of my being suspicious and turns of my being tight fisted. (And I am yet to complete my plan.)

At one point I tried to make an appointment with this dental practice for some treatment. I was told they were terribly busy and that if I made a regular appointment I would have to wait up to, possibly, 3 months. So, following their suggestion, I agreed to them holding my name for an emergency appointment. I was told they would squeeze me in as soon as possible.

Nearly 8 months later I received a letter to say I had an appointment. Ridiculous doesn't cover it. Had I just made a regular appointment I would have been seen months before this "emergency" appointment. Truth be told, I had forgotten I was waiting for them to get in touch with me.

So I replied by telling them to go to hell, in the nicest possible way of course. I informed them I wanted to be removed from their books, that I didn't appreciate their poor service and so on and so forth.

This morning I get a letter from said dental practice. They have made me an appointment. The letter explains that if I don't present myself for the appointment I may have fees to pay. Seriously?

I may be charged for not turning up for an appointment that I haven't requested or agreed to?

I called them, explaining that I was not happy, that I again request to be removed from their books and that I do not appreciate having an appointment arranged for me without my involvement or consent. Now that I am writing this I wish I had asked for a refund for the cost of the phone call.

I await further cheeky correspondence this time next year, because, dear sweethearts, I firmly believe you can't fix stupid.


"Oh, hello Mr. Samson. We have made an appointment for you.

Oh, and if you fail to keep said appointment, we may charge the arse off you.

Hugs and kisses, robbing, thieving b@#st£%*s."

On that note, now feeling much improved in spirit and mind post-venting of my little frustration, I can now turn my focus to breathing deeply, keeping calm and living an enlightened life.


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