Sunday, 29 April 2012

My Apologies

Hello people. I am now going to do something that many bloggers feel is not necessary - apologise for my absence.

I am sorry.

For several months I have not been in that special head space where blogging well and consistently is possible.

A lot has happened, a lot which I can't go into details about. In fact, the last 18months or so has been difficult. I'm okay, don't think I'm not, but some things are really not for publishing on a blog. Indeed, I even considered stopping blogging for good.

But I think I am back. Things have improved in recent times and I'm feeling more like my old self.

I have launched a photography business too,, with the FB page at

Things have started off promisingly, fingers and toes crossed.

Over the next few weeks I am going to develop a schedule for blogging, as routine and structure can be the backbone of focus and success. I want this blog to focus more on spiritual matters and self improvement.

I have a blog at where I want a lot of other writing to be published, more along the lines of where Views started off, looking at my life in general and my more varied interests.

There will be a lot of gear changing, and I thank you all dearly for sticking with me as long as you have. Your loyalty and compassion humbles me.

Hoping you are doing okay, and taking care of yourselves. Love to you all.

1 comment:

savannah said...

glad you're back, sugar! i was looking at my blogroll yesterday and wondering what had happened to you! be well and congrats on the new business! xoxoxoxo

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