Saturday, 30 June 2012

Family Are Visiting!

If you were wondering how the competition at Samson Photo Studio went, a young lady from Alabama, USA, won the print!

I hope to run many more competitions in the future, so if you like photography visit the link and keep an eye out.

More recently, family from the UK arrived yesterday in Adelaide, visiting us for a few weeks!

It's pretty exciting stuff, as I haven't seen them for 3 years. It's even more exciting because my niece is pregnant!

Their flight should have landed at 6.40 am yesterday, but their flight was early and so I had time to meet them at the airport before going to work. My partner had arranged a few days extra annual leave, but I still had a day left to work. They looked tired, but not as tired as I had felt when I had made the same journey in 2009.

My sister-in-law, niece and bump all arrived in Adelaide safe and in one piece.

Now I'm on holiday and can relax, and take time to show off Adelaide!

Last night we shared the joy with them that is Cold Rock Ice-cream, after watching repeats of Prisoner. Yum! We thought we would ease them into Aussie life, taking it slowly because they really did need to rest a little after their long journey.

Today we plan to show them a bit more of Adelaide. It's a bit of a shame they could only get over when it's winter here, as Adelaide tends to be very wet during these months. Being Scottish, this should be no big deal.

Places of note on today's list of things to see include the German township Hahndorf, Melba's Chocolate Factory and of course the largest rocking horse in the world at Gumeracha.

More updates, and hopefully some pics, soon.

1 comment:

Misty said...

What a neat arelict. I had no inkling.

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