Sunday, 11 November 2012

A Whole Weekend Of Pride

Yesterday saw Adelaide's Pride March, 2012, take place in the city.

A gloriously hot day, the Sun smiling down on Adelaide's diverse population celebrating, yesterday had begun with the annual Credit Union Christmas Pageant.

I had traveled into the city by bus, and saw only a few suggestions of the huge parade that had taken place in the morning. Some ribbon, the occasional sign and streamer, left by some excited children who had played witnesses to the arrival of Santa, on his way to the magic cave.

And then it was the turn of the LGBTQ community, their friends and their families to enjoy the city, employing it and it's beautiful space to demonstrate and celebrate their pride and their right to be who they are, without fear or prejudice.

I was dressed very conservatively, as this is my style. And if anything, yesterday was about being proud to be who you are. On the bus, I was joined by a group of people slightly less conservative than myself. Rainbow dreadlocks, studded biker boots, glinting body piercings...shining examples of diversity.

Once in the city, I went into a shop, to buy some water. The group I speak of came in behind me, as I was standing at the counter paying the assistant. I saw the assistant glance up over my shoulder and say under her breath "...Oh my God..."

I laughed a little. She asked if I had seen them and I replied, "Yes, of course." I walked away smiling, thinking I'm probably more wild than this group of people put together. Always the quiet ones...

The crowds had begun to gather. People were getting organised. There were wonderful sights of twinks, bears, daddies, drag queens - people from every colour and shade of the rainbow that is the spectrum of humanity. All having fun.

There were families too, and I'm glad to say this event, as with similar events allover the world, have become very family friendly in recent years.

People were showing the world that they were proud.

Flying flags, blowing whistles and dancing.

Proud of who they are. Proud to be a parent, child, friend, colleague or sibling of someone who is LGBTQ. Proud to be a member of the human race.

Of course the police were there too, as were the infamous homophobic Street Preachers. The least said, the better.

I got some awesome photographs, to be seen here.

I was very proud to be a part of such an event. You might not know how Pride Marches, the world over, began. In 1969, June 28th, there was a police raid on an establishment in New York, known to be the haunt for people living on the fringes of society. Those associated with the criminal lifestyle of being LGBTQ (ha!) were known to be among these marginalised individuals. The establishment was The Stonewall Inn. What resulted was later to be known as The Stonewall Riots, where LGBTQ people, en masse, resisted arrest and stood up for and demanded their rights!

In recognition of this day, many countries now see their people organise and take part in an annual Pride March, to remember what many believe to be the beginnings of the modern day fight for equal rights and respect for the LGBTQ community.

Pride Marches usually take place around June, but of course June in Adelaide is usually a bit cold and wet, so we celebrate it in November, with Spring well under way and Summer just around the corner.

This year local media, Twitter and Facebook was all abuzz with news that LGBTQ Police Officers were banned from marching in their uniform. SAPOL (South Australian Police) have been noted as reporting that there are currently 44 gay and lesbian officers serving on the force. There was also a statement released saying these people are free to march in their own time, if they choose to do so, but they were not to wear their uniform, as SAPOL was apolitical with regards to special interest groups and officers. A bit cold, don't you think?

Sydney and Melbourne Police Officers can march in such LGBTQ Pride events, in their uniforms. But not in Adelaide.

Can SAPOL afford to be apolitical with regards the LGBTQ community? Perhaps Police Commissioner Gary Burns doesn't put much importance on the relationship between his force and the community it serves.

There is still a fair amount of distrust in the community of the police. It is hard for people, for example, to forget the questions raised regarding police involvement in the death of Dr. George Duncan, a gay man killed in Adelaide in 1972. At the time there was a hint that police may have been involved in the killing, or at the very least their investigation into this, and other similar cases, were particularly lackluster.

Whatever happened in 1972, and regardless of the perceived entrenched homophobia in the police force, it could only be a positive step to have let LGBTQ officers, and their friends in the force, to march in their uniforms. What would the downside of such a step be?

When I hear stories such as a lady I know who was laughed at by police for trying to raise money for HIV and AIDS awareness and treatment (not a "gay disease"!), and the things that were muttered under their breath, my heart saddens. This was only 2 years ago. Police need to strengthen relationships with the community, not quash them.

So perhaps not a whole weekend of pride, as this post was angling towards. Indeed, a distinct lack of pride in the force that serves my community, and a lack of pride evidenced by that same force, in elements of their community.

And then today is Remembrance Day, another reason to be proud. Proud of being able to be free to say the things I say, proud of those people who fight for that freedom, past and present, and proud of the people who had such courage of their convictions they chose to lay their lives down.

Also known as Poppy Day, or Armistice Day, this day marks the end of hostilities of World War I. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. So on this day, every year at 11am, people of commonwealth countries stop. We have a 2 minute silence and remember what World War I meant for us, our family and our lives today. We remember the wars that have taken place since, and the further lives lost and hardships faced by our loved ones.

So a whole weekend of pride.

How has your weekend shaped up?

What are you proud of?

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