Wednesday, 7 November 2012

If You Won The Lottery....

If you won the lottery, what would you do?

What wouldn't you do?

Here in Australia, last night, there was a jackpot of $100 million up for grabs. That is a lot of money in any currency. I had seen written somewhere that the odds of winning were one on almost 50 million.

That didn't stop millions of people buying a ticket, or a few hundred, as an investment in their dream of winning the lottery.

I say investment, but of course we all know gambling is less about solid investment and more about that almost dumb sense of hope we all have that one day we could be the ones to win a life changing amount of money.

You gotta be in it to win it.

I'm sure there was plenty of hopeful gambling this last week, especially yesterday, as the famous Melbourne Cup horse racing event was also in full swing.

As it turns out, four people were reportedly lucky enough to share the $100 million jackpot. Well, it was a bit more than that with all the extra tickets being bought. $100 million jackpots don't come up often, or at all, actually...

So each of the four will receive just under $28 million (according to Facebook chatter, as the lottery website was down when I tried to have a look). I would be happy with that.

And if you won the lottery...what would you do?

There has been a lot of excitement this last week with the huge jackpot being discussed at every turn, people salivating over what might be. I have been one of them. But the conversations I have had have really surprised me.

More than a few people have said they would not give up their job, but, with millions in their bank account, keep working. One fairly decent reason for this would be to set an example to the person's children and teach the value of money.

I'm sure there are other ways of doing this, while eating lobster and cavier, washed down with magnum bottles of limited edition french alcohol and generally pampering yourself with all the luxuries and hedonistic activities life has to offer.

Most people have said a huge win would not change them or their lives...

Well, listen up. If a huge lottery win will not change you or your life, and if you are planning on holding on to a job that could be given to someone without millions in their bank account (are possibly living under the poverty line) DO NOT PLAY THE LOTTERY. You don't deserve it.

With people losing the jobs in an ever shaky economy, globally, it's pretty selfish for you to keep a job when you don't need it.

And if you don't believe it will change your life, or you plan on not letting it change your life...well, honey, why you playing the gambling game?

What would I do if I won the lottery?

I have a crazy long list. But if dreaming is free, I'm gonna dream til I'm sick!

I would still work. Ha! But the lottery win, especially if it was that big, would change my life and everyone around me.

I wouldn't keep my "job". I would create my own place in the world.

I have put a lot of thought into this. I would set up a foundation, if money was no object, and would give people a chance. You know the people. The people who life has seemed to forget about, the ones who weren't academic, the ones who got off to a bad start and never managed to get back on track.

I know a lot of people who simply haven't had the breaks others seem to have had. They are not bad, or stupid, or even ugly. Just unlucky. I would set up businesses, e.g. cafes and kennels etc, and give people the opportunity of employment, to develop their resumes, to develop skills and self worth.

This multi-generational lifestyle of not working,not looking for work, not understanding the benefits of employment, of earning a wage, as I have seen here in Australia and back home in Scotland, doesn't serve these people or society well.

The Samson-Hill Foundation For The Disadvantaged would look to partner with organisations and companies, to provide such things as free and fee-reduced eye and dental care, improved access to education for mature aged people and build community-minded approaches to maintaining the integration of older people in society.

Older people can easily become isolated, and there really is no need.

I would also find time to go back to Uni myself, invest in property, provide for my family and so much more.

I hope the folks who are receiving the good news today, who have won big, enjoy their winnings. I hope it does change their lives and I hope they do some good in a world that is more in need of heroes than ever.

Like I said, what wouldn't I do?! Ah, money. Why do you tease me so?

Really, if life handed you $millions....what wouldn't you do?

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